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Vertical Air Curtains

Vertical Air Curtains

Vertical Air Curtains: Because buildings and their entrances and exits can vary greatly, there really isn’t a ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution when it comes to an air curtain installation.

Some thought must also go towards buildings where their entrances make a statement and are part of the businesses overall image, or the building itself is quite iconic stylistically or is architecturally significant in some way.

For example, installing an overhead air curtain in a factory or warehouse setting is much more straightforward than the approach you would need for a prestigious or listed building.

Considerations for air curtain installation

Choosing between a traditional over-door air curtain and a vertical air curtain can depend on many factors, such as whether or not the building has a stable hanging point to house an over-door unit.

You may have no other choice but to use vertical air curtain units when there is an insufficient height above the door to install a standard over-door unit.

If your building is particularly lofty or you have very high doorways, your door height may be too high for a standard over-door unit to be effective. In these cases, you may need to have a larger, nosier air curtain installed that can cope with the larger opening.

For example, to achieve the same output at say 3m at the bottom (say 3m/s) you will need approx 9m at the top, so instead by using a vertical unit you can achieve 3m/s over the complete height.

You should also use a vertical air curtain unit when a circular door is fitted for better efficiency and effectiveness.  You should also consider using a custom-built air curtain design to suit your architectural environment if your premises is very unique.

Air curtain maintenance and safety aspects

There is also the health and safety aspect to take into consideration with your chosen air curtain design. For those business premises with tall doorways, it can not only make sense to install vertical air curtains for better effectiveness, but vertical air curtains are much easier to service and maintain than traditional over-door air curtains.

This also means there will be less disruption for doorway users while routine maintenance is taking place. As the maintenance engineers will not be working overhead, there will be reduced risk of anything falling and injuring maintenance staff or doorway users.

Aesthetically pleasing vertical air curtains

The great thing about vertical air curtains is that they can give a more aesthetically pleasing look and feel to your doorways. Where possible, you can choose to install concealed vertical units that are discreet and the only visible aspect would be the slot or grille where the air is discharged from.

If you cannot install a concealed vertical air curtain into your walls, then there is a lot of flexibility around the style and finish of your unit that you can choose, so you can order a bespoke finish for your unit that can better blend in with your current décor or colour theme.

The supply of services for vertical air curtains is more discreet as they usually run below floor level and are out of sight. Vertical units also don’t usually need door support structures or drop rods, making the whole doorway area more aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

No matter whether you are looking to install air curtains to cover tall doors, wide doors, revolving doors or sliding doors, you should be able to find a very workable solution with a modern, custom-built and perfectly tailored air curtain design to fit the dimensions of your doorway.

Best places to use vertical air curtains

Many places will be better suited to using vertical air curtains rather than a traditional over-door style of unit. These include:

  •         Airport terminals
  •         Atriums and prestigious entrances, such as hotels, museums, libraries etc.
  •         Car showrooms
  •         Designer stores
  •         Factories and manufacturing plants
  •         Loading bays within transport hubs
  •         Offices foyers and receptions
  •         Shopping centre entrances
  •         Universities and colleges
  •         Warehouses

Benefits of using vertical air curtains

Vertical air curtain units are very effective when used in places where an over-door air curtain cannot be fitted. They are also good for building doorways where aesthetics are of high importance. Vertical units also make it easier and safer for maintenance staff to perform cleaning and regular servicing.

One of the most obvious benefits of installing vertical air curtains is that heat can be evenly distributed over the entire height of the doorway as the air is fed from the side, from top to bottom in equal measure.

Because of the horizontal trajectory of the warm air, the air temperature at floor level is maintained at the same level as at the top, meaning there are no cold spots and this will enhance the comfort of those entering the building through the doorway.

Bespoke specifications

Working with Air Curtain Design enables you to find a very flexible and adaptable solution to your vertical air curtain needs. We offer a bespoke range of air curtain designs that can be finished in a range of colour and finishes to suit your personal tastes or architectural needs.

We offer mirror polished or brushed finish stainless steel or colour coded to meet most RAL colour schemes. The range can be supplied with either LPHW or electric heating.

You also have a choice of control options, so if you want the air curtain controls fitted into the unit or operated by a remote switch, you can choose which option is the most convenient for your business set up and will best suit your needs.

If you are unsure about your vertical air curtain needs, or you want to discuss your options further, do not hesitate to contact our friendly team at Air Curtain Design and we will be able to help you.